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Part number on the voter ID card for the voter list

For an Indian citizen, a voter identification card is a crucial document. Due to the lengthy and complicated procedure of applying for a voting card in India, many people decide not to go ahead and do so. In reality, if you’ve acquired all the knowledge, it isn’t. 
How to determine the part number is among the crucial queries voters requesting a voter ID must answer. For an application for voter identification, you will need a voter list part number. How can you discover this data?

Why is your part number important for you to understand?

  • For an application for a new voter identification card, you must have this.
  • To make modifications to your current election card, including your full address and name, a Part Number is needed.
  • To remove your voter identification from a certain region.

Finding a Part Number: Procedures
There are basically two methods available to identify a voter roll’s part number. The first step is to verify the voter identification of your relatives or neighbours. For those who live in the same location, the part number is going to remain the same. 
Ask a neighbour or someone who resides nearby for their identification card, then look at the backside of the cards. On the back of the card, you are supposed to be able to locate the “Part Number and Name” details. You will want that part number when requesting voter identification for yourself.

How to look up online a voter ID card’s part number

  • You must go to the National Voters’ Services Site online to find the part number.
  • When you access the web page, you will be prompted to input your personal information or the Epic Number to get to your account. Select one of these and carry on.
  • You will be prompted to provide your name, your father’s name, your age, your date of birth, your gender, your state, and the constituency for which you are running.
  • After providing all the necessary details, select the link in the “Polling Station” section.
  • Please be aware that other profiles with the same name may appear, so you must input all of your personal information to find them.
  • Kindly input your EPIC number in the field provided, choose your state of residence, and click “Continue” to find the voter list for your account using this information.
  • Since Epic Number is a special code that can only be allocated to one individual, your user profile will appear.
  • Choose the link below the “Polling Station” field after your profile appears.
  • You may find the location of your polling place on the following page: To get to the following page, select “See Your Election Officials” from the menu.
  • The information for the election officials is now available. You may click “Click Here for Electoral Roll” at the bottom of this page. Selecting this option will initiate downloading the PDF.
  • You may get the part number by opening the PDF file and looking at the top-right corner of the page.
  • Go ahead and complete the online registration process for a new voter identification card or to modify the one you already have. You notice it won’t take very long.

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