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Indian voting rights

All Indians who are allowed to vote are given the opportunity to make use of their right to vote and take part in the voting process, as elections are now taking place in numerous states of India. All Indian citizens who are at least 18 years old and of good moral character are entitled to vote under the Indian Constitution, regardless of their caste, religion, social standing, or level of wealth. With a few limited exclusions, every Indian is given this privilege.
As a voter, you have various benefits and rights that are outlined in the Constitution, which protects voter rights. It also specifies the terms under which individuals are given this right.

Who is eligible to vote?
The Constitution of India grants the right to vote to all citizens of India who are at least 18 years old and have enrolled as voters. These people have the right to vote in elections for central, state, municipal, and local government bodies.
No person may be kept against their will or stopped from casting a ballot unless they meet the standards for rejection.
Each voter is only permitted one vote. A voter may only cast a ballot in the district in which he or she has registered to vote.
In order to receive photo election identity cards (also known as EPIC cards), registered voters must register in the region where they reside. If a person is not registered or does not have a voting ID, they aren’t permitted to vote or take part in the election process.

Exclusion from the electoral process
The Indian Constitution establishes the following guidelines for excluding voters from the electoral process:
Election participation is prohibited for those who have been found guilty of crimes covered by Indian Penal Code Sections 171E (which addresses bribery) and 171F (which addresses impersonation or improper interference at an election).
Election disqualification may result from convictions under Sections 125 (which addresses different electoral crimes), 135, and 136 of the Representatives of the Peoples Act.
A voter’s vote is invalidated if they cast it in more than one constituency.

How can a person vote?
Polling Booth:
All registered voters in India must cast their ballots in person at the polling place in order to participate in the election process. This is done in order to make sure that a verified voter casts his or her ballot in person and that a fraudster does not utilize the vote.
Postal Voting:
Voting by postal mail, sometimes referred to as a postal ballot, is an option in certain circumstances. For people who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to cast a ballot individually, postal ballots are used.
Members of the military services stationed across the nation and abroad, as well as anyone on election duty (such as election officials, on-duty police personnel, etc.), are often granted the right to cast a postal ballot.
Those people who are placed in preventive custody and who are unable to reach a polling place and submit their ballot in person may also be allowed a postal ballot.
Voter Rights
Some of the voting rights that are guaranteed by the Indian Constitution are listed below.
Right to Information:
Every voter has a right to information about the candidates running for office. The Indian Constitution’s Section 19 grants voters this right of choice. Voters are given the authority to inquire about the election platform of the individuals, their overall net worth, and their criminal history, if any.
Right Not to Vote (NOTA):
Voters now have the option to not cast a ballot, and the system keeps track of this. The voter takes part in the election but decides not to support any of the individuals who are standing for election. This decision is commonly referred to as a NOTA (none of the above) vote.
Voters are engaging in the democratic process and using their right to decide whether to support the individuals who are standing for election or not in the manner described above.

Special Support for Voters Who Are Infirm and Illiterate:
According to the Election Code’s provisions, voters who are physically unable to cast their ballots or who are unable to use a postal ballot may seek the aid of an electoral official, who will then record their vote.

Voting rights for NRIs and prisoners:
Up until recently, an NRI was not allowed to vote. However, a change from 2010 permits NRIs to become registered voters and cast ballots in elections even if they haven’t been in the country for more than six months for whatever reason.
According to present legislation, prisoners are prohibited from using their right to vote.

Tendered Votes:
This is true for everyone who registers to vote and attempts to cast a ballot after someone else has already done so in their name. If the person in question can show identification, he or she may cast a ballot. The Election Commission has ruled that his vote will be recorded on a different ballot paper.


When was voting legalised in India?

The voting rights provisions were incorporated into the drafted constitution in June 1949 and went into force on January 26, 1950.

Is the right to vote covered by the Indian Constitution?

Yes, it is a constitutional right to cast a ballot in India.

What kind of right is voting?

In India, the right to vote is guaranteed by the constitution; therefore, anybody above the age of 18 may cast their ballot for the nominee of their choice.

Who in India was granted the right to vote?

Sarojini Naidu was technically the first person to protest in 1917 when she demanded that women be granted the right to vote in India.

What does the term “voting rights” mean?

Any Indian who is a legal resident of the nation and is 18 years of age or older is eligible to use their right to vote for the nominee of their preference as long as they have been registered as voters for the constituency in which they reside.

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