To make your life easier, Axis Bank offers a range of credit cards that can be used for day-to-day purchases. You can swipe your card at the supermarket or on movie dates with your significant other and pay off the bill later in easy installments. You don’t even have to carry cash every time you make a purchase-just use your prepaid card as you would any bank debit or credit card. The money will come out of your bank account automatically. There’s no better way to manage your finances than being able to pay for things when you want them and not worrying about how much cash you owe the store or restaurant. That gives you more time to enjoy those things, like spending time with friends and family, that really matter. It also gives you greater flexibility with your finances so you’re not playing catch-up between paydays. You can choose a prepaid card from Axis Bank online and get your hands on it right away!
Are you one of those who applied for an Axis Bank credit card? And now, you’re wondering how to check Axis Bank Credit Card application status. You’re not alone. In fact, many customers who apply for a credit card often want to know about the application process and the status later on.
How to Track Axis Bank Credit Card Application Status
You can apply for an Axis Bank credit card online or offline by submitting a proper application with all the necessary documents. Though applying for a credit card is quite easy, you should check the status of your order to know whether your application has been accepted or rejected. You can do so by using the card number and checking the status of your application on the bank’s website.
When you apply for an Axis Bank Credit Card, you can check the status of your application online. You can use the application number to track your application on our website. Alternatively, you can call our customer care center or visit your nearest branch. Let’s discuss all of these ways step by step:
Tracking Application Status through Application ID
Your credit card application ID is a unique 9-digit number (if you apply in person) or 20-digit number (if you apply online) that lets the bank track your application. Whenever you apply for a credit card through Axis Bank, you most likely receive an application ID by SMS or by email. This application ID is essential for tracking the status of your credit card. We will show you how to check your application status through the application ID received.
Step 1: Visit Axis Bank’s website
Step 2: Visit the track application status page
Step 3: Choose the “Application ID” option
Step 4: Enter your “Application Reference Number” in the mentioned box.
Step 5: Click on “Submit”
Step 6: You can check the status of your Axis Bank credit card application on the screen.
Tracking Application Status through Mobile Number or PAN Card
When you apply for a credit card, you not only get your application ID but also can track the progress of your credit card application through your PAN Card or contact number. Let us help you with a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Track your application in Axis Bank Credit Card – Go to the Application Status page.
Step 2: Select the ‘PAN No / Mobile No’ option
Step 3: Please enter your PAN and mobile numbers in the spaces provided. (Please note that the numbers must match those on your application form)
Step 4: Now Click on “Submit”
Tracking Application Status through E-mails
You can also find out the status of your credit card application by sending an email to Axis Bank. There is an online email form on the Axis Bank website through which you can send a message asking about your credit card application. Let’s see what you need to do:
Step 1: Visit the online e-mail form
Step 2: Please provide the following information in this order: your e-mail ID, the same one you provided in the credit card application; the applicant’s name; mobile number; and the application reference number.
Step 3: To know your credit card application status, write a message in the message field of Axis Bank’s SMS service. Please mention your application reference number, PAN, and mobile number. Mentioning these details will help us serve you better. Your message should not exceed 1,000 words.
Step 4: After you have entered your message, click on ‘Submit’.
If you get the message, “No records found,” it means you may have entered your information incorrectly. Check to make sure that you entered your information correctly and then try again. If you still don’t see your account, the bank might not have updated its records with the correct information yet.
The status results are like being in progress, on hold, approved, dispatched, rejected, or the record can’t be found.
Yes, Axis Bank will send you an SMS on your registered mobile number when your credit card is ready to be dispatched.
When you try to open a credit card account, the bank will perform a background check on you which will reveal various reasons for rejecting your application. These include a poor CIBIL score, low income for the card type, no credit history, wrong choice of credit card type, failed background verification, and so on.