Unplanned expenses can occur at any time, and a personal loan is genuinely the quickest and most convenient answer. A personal loan can help you with pursuing higher education for youngsters, your daughter’s wedding, remodelling your house, or maybe taking the whole family on vacation. You can address a wide range of financial demands without being limited by the final use or the necessity of offering collateral. You can now satisfy all of your financial commitments without concern.
Request for a Personal Loan in Fullerton. There is no need for collateral or security.
Because a personal loan is a loan with no security, no collateral is required when seeking a Fullerton personal loan. There is also no need for a guarantor.
Personal Loan Highlights | |
Interest Rate | 14% p.a. onwards |
Loan Amount | Up to Rs 25 Lakhs |
Tenure | Up to 5 year |
Minimum Monthly Salary | Rs 25,000 |
Processing Fee | 1% – 3% |
Feature and Advantages
- You can take out a loan upto an amount of Rs. 1 to 25 Lakhs.
- No need for any collateral or Security.
- Easy and Simple Application process
- Completely Digital application process.
- Minimal Documentation
- Quick Disbursal
- Repayment Tenure of upto 60 months are available here.
- There is no OD facility available on Personal Loans.
- No Part payment is allowed.
- No co-signer required.
- If you are a current Fullerton India customer, you will receive extra perks such as quicker authorization and lower interest rates. You will also be allowed a pre-qualified top-up on your current principal outstanding as well.
Eligibility Criteria for Fullerton Personal Loan
Here is a quick summary of the eligibility requirements:
1. Age range: 21 to 65 years
2. Minimum monthly net salary: 25,000
3. Minimum term of employment: 3 months
4. Types of employment include employed or self-employed individuals.
5. Loan amount: between Rs 1 Lakhs – Rs 25 Lakhs.
6. Minimum CIBIL Score – 705
Required Documents To Apply For Fullerton Personal Loan
- KYC of Applicant (Adhar Card+Pan Card+Passport Size Photo)
- Last 3 month Salary Slip
- Last 6 month Bank Statement in PDF
- Form 16 of last 2 year
- Rent Agreement if rented or Utility Bill if residence is owned
- Sanction Letter of all current running loan if any
- Office ID Card or Official EMAIL ID if any
How to apply online for a Fullerton India Personal Loan?
You may apply for a Fullerton Personal Loan securely by visiting their official portal and entering your fundamental personal details. Checking your eligibility, evaluating options that you are eligible for, filling out the application, and attaching papers are all part of the four-step procedure.
Someone from the company will contact you to discuss your application. You can also monitor the progress of your submission online.
If you are deemed to be eligible, you may be requested to upload the following papers in order for your loan application to be processed:
- Photo identification (PAN card, driver’s licence)
- Address verification (utility bill, passport)
- Bank statements and the most recent wage statement as proof of income
- For any further assistance reach out them by Contact No. :- 1800 103 6001 or Email :- namaste@fullertonindia.com
Another option is that if you believe you require assistance with your loan application procedure and loan eligibility guidance, Refer Loan may direct and satisfy you.
How to apply through Refer Loan’s Website?
You can apply through Refer Loan’s website.
1) Once you’ve finished reviewing the details, charges, and necessary documentation for Credset personal loans, confirm eligibility.
2) You’ll be taken to the application page. Enter the basic information requested.
3) Select Eligible Offers to see the offers that are accessible to you based on what you’re eligible for.
4) Select Next.
5) An OTP will be sent to your mobile device. For authentication, input this OTP.
6) Send in your application.
In moments of necessity, a personal loan is more advantageous than reaching the limit of your credit card. Fullerton’s rates of interest and simple payment alternatives provide you with much-needed relief, and you have the option of making repayments that can be extended over an extended period of time, depending on your paying capacity.