Nowadays, everybody has a credit card, so they are well aware of the billing cycles of credit cards and the monthly payment routines. Whether you are a new cardholder or have been using them for a long time, you must pay monthly credit card bills. Several methods exist to pay the credit card bill: mobile wallet, internet banking, IMPS, and many more. But in this article ahead, we are going to discuss the most common method of paying credit card bills, which is through BillDesk.
About BillDesk
BillDesk is one of the most popular credit card bill payment options in the United States. This payment method facilitates cashless online payments under the supervision of the Reserve Bank of India. Though BillDesk is a unique payment method, it is still monitored under the Payments, and settlements systems Act 2007. This payment method is mainly used for credit card payments of customers who do not have savings or current accounts with the same bank. BillDesk makes credit card payments more manageable and faster.
How does BillDesk work?
You need to follow the below steps to make the credit card payment go through BillDesk:
First, go to the BillDesk official website,
Enter your basic details, like your name, email address, and bank account number.
Set up the biller details; for that, you would need your account number, which BillDesk will verify.
Once the biller’s details are verified and processed by BillDesk, you will get an email about the same. Then, if you want to pay, enter your credit card information, the amount, and the bank account number from which you want the money to get deducted.
All the above instructions are correctly by BillDesk, and the payment will be implemented accordingly. And once the amount gets debited from the given account number, you will also receive an email confirmation.
These payment details will be stored with BillDesk for one year. If you need the exact information anytime in the future, you can contact BillDesk within one year.
How do I make credit card payments through BillDesk?
First, to make the payments successful through BillDesk, you need to create an account with BillDesk by providing some basic information about yourself on their website. Once your BillDesk account has been created, you can go ahead by adding the biller details with the help of your internet banking account. Later, when the billers are added, you can make the payments together or one at a time through your BillDesk account. Below are the steps for making credit card payments for some well-known banks.
How to Make an HDFC Bank Credit Card Payment Using BillDesk
If you want to pay your HDFC Bank credit card bill through BillDesk, first you need to visit their website,
Enter your HDFC bank credit card number here.
For security purposes, re-enter the HDFC bank credit card number.
Enter your email address.
Enter the amount you want to pay if your credit card
Select the bank account from the dropdown option from which you want this payment to go.
Click on the “Pay” option.
Enter the requested one-time password sent to your registered mobile number on the website.
Once this transaction is completed, you will receive an email confirmation about the successful transaction along with the transactional ID details.
How to Make an SBI Credit Card Payment Using BillDesk
If you want to pay your SBI Bank credit card bill through BillDesk, first you need to visit their website,
Enter your SBI bank credit card number here.
For security purposes, re-enter the SBI bank credit card number.
Enter your email address.
Enter the amount you want to pay if your credit card
Select the bank account from the dropdown option from which you want this payment to go.
Click on the “Pay” option.
Enter the requested one-time password sent to your registered mobile number on the website.
Once this transaction is completed, you will receive an email confirmation about the successful transaction along with the transactional ID details.
What essential tips do you need to remember while making payments through BillDesk?
Below are some of the crucial tips one should always keep in mind while making credit card payments through BillDesk:
If you wish to avoid the late payment fees, make sure you pay all the dues before the payment due date.
Whenever you have the budget, or if it is possible, you can pay the entire credit card due amount because paying only the minimum amount increases interest every month.
If you have too many credit cards, you can opt to make their payments in EMIs.
Always keep a close eye on your credit card bills to avoid any kinds of technical errors or any additional charges or fees.
Before making credit card payments, review your credit card statements according to your expenses.
The benefits of making credit card payments through BillDesk
Below are some of the benefits of making your credit card payments through BillDesk:
The BillDesk website is easy to access and gets the payment through. Once your laptop is connected to the internet, you can review your bills and make your payments accordingly.
The BillDesk website is easy to use; with the help of just a few details and a few clicks, the credit card payment is successful.
You have complete control while making the payment. You also enter the bank account number for the debit and the amount details.
BillDesk keeps your credit card and other personal details safe, as they ask you to create an account before making the payments. So, with the strong passwords on your BillDesk accounts, all your details are safe.
BillDesk is an RBI-approved credit card payment method, so all the payments you make are operated in a secure environment.
No, making your credit card payments through BillDesk is a free service being provided to customers.
No, as BillDesk is an encrypted payment gateway, there are no security threats to your details.
Once the payment is made through the BillDesk website, it takes around 2-3 business days to reflect that payment on your credit card.
There is no restriction on the number of credit cards that can be added to your BillDesk account.
You can contact the BillDesk team via email at ””