Financial emergencies, whether either professionally or personally, are sometimes difficult to ignore. Think about a personal loan as your first and best alternative for quick cash at moments like these. At these moments an instant helping hand with required funds seems like the most wanted blessing. If you are still unfamiliar with Chola’s offerings, then you should know about. Anyway, Cholamandalam Personal Loan has been performing like a boom in the industry due to its low interest rates and larger loan amounts.
A personal loan is the simplest and most convenient means for getting financial aid in situations of hardship; it is a rapid, straightforward loan option with very little paperwork and no mortgage required. When asking for a personal loan, it is usually best to conduct some checklists properly before applying to reduce the possibility of it being denied.
Personal Loan Highlights | |
Interest Rate | 14% p.a. onwards |
Loan Amount | Up to Rs 25 Lakhs |
Tenure | Up to 5 years |
Minimum Monthly Salary | Rs 20,000 |
Processing Fee | 1% – 3% |
Advantages and Features
- Get up to an amount of Rs. 25 Lakhs
- Easy to apply and flexible repayment terms
- No collateral required
- Instant Loan Processing
- Applicable almost 800 locations in the country
- Digital Application
- Attractive Interest Rates
- Enjoy the freedom to choose an appropriate personal loan term. You can choose between a minimum of 12 months and an overall duration of 60 months.
- Minimal Documentation
Eligibility Requirements for a Personal Loan
For speedy loan approval and disbursement, you must meet the specific criteria:
- Age range: 23 to 65 years
2. Minimum monthly net salary: 20,000
3. Minimum job experience: 6 months
4. Types of employment include employed or self-employed individuals.
5. Loan eligibility: CIBIL Score 675+ - Loan amount: between Rs 10,000 to Rs 25 Lakhs
Documents to Submit for a Chola Personal Loan
- KYC of Applicant (Adhar Card+Pan Card+Passport Size Photo)
- Last 3 month Salary Slip
- Last 6 month Bank Statement in PDF
- Form 16 of last 2 year
- Rent Agreement if rented or Utility Bill if residence is owned
- Sanction Letter of all current running loan if any
- Office ID Card or Official EMAIL ID if any
How to Get a personal Loan from Cholamandalam – Apply for a Personal Loan in Cholamandalam
You may apply for a Chola personal loan in a variety of methods, including:
- For further information, please visit any of the Cholamandalam branches and submit a completely filled-out application along with your most recent passport-sized photos and other relevant documentation.
- You can contact customer service at contact: 1800-102-4565 for assistance with the loan processes.
- You can also download the application form from the Chola website and mail it to the nearest branch closest to your location, along with a copy of the required documentation.
- Alternatively, if you believe you require assistance with your loan application or information on loan eligibility, Refer Loan can assist you.
What is Refer Loan You should know first
ReferLoan is an integrated marketplace that connects financial institutions with potential customers. ReferLoan assists consumers in improving their CIBIL score and discovering the most suitable financial services or products available from the available financial institutions. ReferLoan is the ultimate destiny for people who are looking to take advantage of opportunities in both debt and equity in the present market.
Check Here How Can you apply through Refer Loan?
- Once you’ve completed reviewing the details, charges, and necessary documentation for personal loans, confirm eligibility.
- You’ll be taken to the application page. Enter the basic information requested.
- Select Eligible Offers to see Chola’s offers that are accessible to you based on what you’re eligible for.
- Select Next.
- An OTP will be sent to your mobile device. For authentication, input this OTP.
- Send in your application.
Have fun with life to its maximum without thinking about monetary resources.
If this is your first time borrowing and you are not properly knowledgeable about how to apply or where to apply, we will recommend you apply through Refer Loan’s website.
We assist individuals of all credit profiles, particularly those who are novices to credit and have exceptionally poor or insufficient credit, those who have a troublesome history, and those who currently have a good profile.
If you’re looking for credit, we’ll make sure you discover it and that it’s the perfect fit for you. How can we assist you? We make it possible for you to receive your credit score instantaneously, online, and in real-time. We assist you in choosing loans and credit cards that are most suited to your credit profile. We assist you in understanding your credit profile, credit information report (CIR), and other credit-related issues.